Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Krejci Gets Six Year Contract Extension With Boston Bruins

The Boston Bruins, one of the best hockey teams known to the National Hockey League revealed earlier on this week that David Krejci is getting a six year contract extension with the team. This extension will allow for Mr. Krejci to earn a total of $7.25 Million per year, this information was revealed on Thursday. […]

Hockey School Celebrates Fifth Year In Operation

David Arduin is somewhat of a town hero in Gibson, New York. David opened up a hockey school five years ago called the “Sunshine Coast Hockey School”, throughout the years the school has continued to grow in popularity which has allowed for Mr. Arduin to continue to operate the school ever Summer. The school is […]

Hockey Community Comes Together To Remember Jordan Boyd

Almost one year ago a sixteen year old boy had died while playing hockey on the ice. After a long needed autopsy it was found that Jordan Boyd had died due to a heart condition unknown to doctors. He fell to cardiac arrest on the ice and wasn’t found for nearly nine hours as he […]

Rangers Buy Out Brad Richards

The New York Rangers revealed today that they have bought out the rest of Brad Richards contract with them. The reason for this is because Richards has been a long time player for the New York Rangers, they signed him for a nine year contract but have only kept him on for six years. Brad […]

Stanley Cup Parade in Los Angeles

The Los Angeles Kings stand as the new Stanley Cup winners for the next year. After playing an incredible five part series against the New York Rangers. This is the second time that the Los Angeles Kings have been able to reign supreme as the Stanley Cup winners within the last three seasons. There hasn’t […]

Hockey Night in Canada Says Goodbye

Hockey Night in Canada, a CBS Broadcast television show that occurs after every second period in the NHL Hockey Season will be ending this year after the Los Angeles Kings took the Stanley Cup. This marks the end of an era as Hockey Night in Canada which has ran since 1931, with nearly one hundred […]

New Mobile Bingo Site Launches Powered By Dragonfish

Winneroo, a new name in the mobile gambling industry announced that they have opened their doors. Winneroo now stands as the latest mobile bingo site to be launched for the mobile gambling industry. This new mobile bingo hall is being run under the Dragonfish software, allowing for an exciting yet profitable experience. This new bingo […]

Godzilla Brings In $93.8 Million On Opening Weekend

Godzilla, the new monster action film that has been highly advertised online and on Television came out last Friday. On opening weekend Godzilla was able to bring in $93.8 Million, Godzilla now stands as the highest grossing film on opening weekend for 2014 so far. This comes as a shock to nearly everyone in the […]

Call of Duty Ghosts Devastation Map Pack To Be Released On May 8th

If you are a owner of either an Xbox One or Xbox 360 then there is a good chance that you’ve already experienced the “Call of Duty: Ghosts Devastation Map Pack” already. The reason for this is because every bit of DLC that is released for Call of Duty goes on the Xbox before the […]

Bryan Singers Sex Abuse Scandal

Bryan Singer, one of the film makers behind the highly popular film franchise “X-Men” has been recently under a lot of heat due to allegations made towards him. Michael Egan, a 31 year old male has filed a civil lawsuit against Mr. Singer, saying that Bryan Singer abused him as a young child on one […]